AOBRD Deadline: December 16, 2019
If you are still using AOBRD’S after December 16, 2019 you will cease to be compliant with the ELD mandate. Which do you have? An AOBRD or an ELD? Just in case anyone doesn’t know: An AOBRD, or Automatic On-Board Recording Device, is an older style ELD, or Electronic Logging Device. An AOBRD uses a display or printout whereas an ELD must be able to transmit data to enforcement people, wirelessly and immediately. If you have an AOBRD, did you start using it before December 18, 2017? If you did, you are “grandfathered” and have the right to keep using your AOBRD up until December 16, 2019, which is fast approaching. There is NO PROVISION in FMCSA regulations for continued use of these older devices AFTER this date.
The good news is modern ELD’s are affordable and can be purchased just about anywhere. Travel Centers of America, Best Buy, Walmart, Amazon and others offer many makes and models to choose from. So, if you’re using a “grandfathered” AOBRD, time is running out! Act now and avoid possibly being fined or even placed out of service.
For more information straight from the FMCSA, click here and here.
At Eastern Atlantic we are always looking for ways to be more helpful to our insureds. Federal regulations have been developing rapidly over the past number of years and its hard to stay current with them all. We insure trucks. That’s all we do. If you would like a quote, click “find an agent” to get started.